Friday, May 27, 2011

Doctor Who, Our Way

Lately I've 'stepped a toe' into the lake of online role playing, or RPing.

Okay, maybe I just did a nose dive off the highdive board into the middle of the Pacific.

I'm a little obsessed. Or a lot.
Probably a lot.

It started off innocently enough; I'm a fan of BBC's Doctor Who. I'm a little in love with the Tenth Doctor (referred to as Ten and played by David Tennant); he's hands down the best doctor ever. EVER.
His companion (whom he loved desperately but was forced to part with) Rose, is my favorite companion. And everyone knows Rose and Ten belong with each other.
Like I said, it started innocently enough.
I met a girl through a FB DW fan site; we started talking about how Rose and Ten should've been together. One thing led to another, and she made Ten and I made Rose. It was the start of something huge.

We have the entire DW family now, with most of us RPers playing several characters. The ones I play mostly are Rose, Jackie, Benjamin (A write-in love interest for another write-in toon) and the Master. Oh, the Master.

This is where it moves from a simple hobby to full-blown-staying-up-all-night-and-forgetting-meals obsession.
The Master is the baddest of the bad boys; handsome, clever, and a rebel Time Lord. And frankly, who doesn't like a rebel?

The Master has the girls fawning ALL OVER HIM. It's insane. Really.

Of course, my version of the Master is slightly different as in the show, but our story is hugely different. However, I've had many people tell me the Master is fabulous ... and I portray him exactly as in the show. The most awesome part is, our fans like it so much they will create characters to join in the fun, and help tell the story. Our way.

Doctor Who Role Playing. Ah, it doesn't get much better than this!

Now, I'm off to see what the Master and his henchies are up to; I've spent ... what, a full 10 minutes not online??? Oh dear Gallifrey; I feel myself going into shock of the lack of DW awesomeness.

I should probably be ashamed to post how obsessed I really am with our RP, but, eh. I'm still hiding it from my mom though. :D