Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My love for you is rivaled only by doughnuts and maybe David Tennant.

A love letter to my husband.

J-man, my love for you grows exponentially every second,
and is rivaled only by my affection for doughnuts and maybe David Tennant.

But you alone hold the keys to my heart; they would not mesh well with
 doughnuts and it would cost several limbs and an organ to ship one to the U.K.

Never fear the steadfastness of my love; a wild herd of rambunctious unicorns
 couldn't drag me away from you, but mostly because I would tame them all and keep them as housepets.

I want to be with you forever, or at least until we die, and even then I want your
rotting corpse next to mine. United in death, and even in dirt.

I'd care for you, even if you had the flu and drenched me with projectile vomit.
I just may not kiss you for a while, and perhaps don a hazmat suit 24/7.

All of this, because of my love for you.

Your loving wife.


  1. I was literally 2 seconds away from posting this:

    "green is not a flattering color on me!"

    until I saw that you have an ode to, well, ME!, and that you wrote it first.

    so although I'm a little miffed that I'm not in the category with doughnuts and David Tennant... I suppose I will be sated..... for now.

    Your Bestest Friend Ever.

  2. So what I'm understanding is I need to be more Tennantish! I love you baby!
