Monday, February 7, 2011

UPS and their DIRTY LIES

I've been watching UPS like a starving rhino watches a budding dandelion ever since UPS gave me a tracking number to follow this fabulous bag on it's way to me:

It's supposed to arrive Wednesday. I was trembling in excitement, which was NOT caused by the 3 cups of coffee I'd had in the hour since I woke up.

UPS does not track during the weekends. Which is stupid and ridiculous. So as soon as I was mobile enough to bang on my keyboard, I frantically pulled up UPS to see where my fabulous bag was. I am DESPERATELY hoping it will arrive early --- simply because I want to GET IT EARLY AND BECAUSE WEDNESDAY IS AS FAR AWAY AS CHRISTMAS.

So I happily pull up UPS and to my horror, see this message:
WHAAAAAAAAAT? A weather delay!????? Isn't that EXACTLY what the postman's slogan is for?

 "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."

Yes, yes yes!! I demand swift completion of the appointed round to my house!

So then I get sneaky and pull up weather channel.
Which is when I reached the startling conclusion:

The weather in Tempe, Arizona is FAIRLY WONDERFUL. There is even a checkmark to solidify it's wonderfulness.
I even looked for this afternoon ... in case a typhoon or an Arizona-imploding alien arrival was scheduled. Nope, and nope. It's supposed to be EXTRA WONDERFUL this afternoon, as noted by the double checkmarks. 72 degrees and SUNNY.

I have some ideas about the "adverse conditions" and the current state of the driver carrying my precious package. They all involve a lawnchair and some tanning oil.

Even pushing aside all that, UPS LIES!
UPS. Yeah. That's basically the Government saying "yeah, we tell you crap to make you believe there's really an alien invasion happening in Arizona when really we just want to drink magaritas and get our bums tan" which is just ludicrous when you think how trustworthy the Governement is.

What's next??
You're going to tell me that The Easter Bunny isn't real?
That Jesus wasn't really born on Christmas Day??
That animals won't appear and help you clean your house if you have a good enough singing voice and have a waist the size of Cathie Jung's??? (I'm still working on the waist part and if you don't know who Cathie Jung is, go here: )

These are the foundations of our lives you're messing with, UPS! *shakes fist*

EDIT: I have been informed that UPS is NOT government-run. Who woulda thought that one little letter discrepancy would make such a difference?? Either way, I'm *still* being told that it's delayed due to bad weather, and once again, Tempe, AZ is warm and sunny. I plan to call and complain!!!



    In other news, you're hilarious, and I have always suspected that UPS is secretly a conspiracy to move terrorists cross-country. This was confirmed when my packages were delivered WITH NO NOTE LEFT ON MY DOOR. Seriously. I NEVER WOULD HAVE KNOWN MY PACKAGE GOT HERE! I was shocked and scandalized. Thank goodness the people who sent them had the good sense to get tracking numbers and I had the good sense to call my office and ask them straight up if I had a package waiting!

    UGH! Bad UPS. Bad, bad, bad!

    FedEx, however, has proven to be 100% trustworthy thus far. USPS is somewhere in between; the jury's still out on them.

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  4. IKR???

    I'm a self-proclaimed purse 'ho. :D

    And I KNOW! I'm sure FedEx wouldn't be giving me some BC about weather conditions delaying my package.

    I completely agree with the terrosists cross-country conspiracy. There is just no other logical explanation.

    In fact ... this is beginning to feel like it's some lame movie plot where the delivery guy loses a special package and he has his techy friend hack the system to give lousy excuses like bad weather to give them extra time to go find the lost package and get the girl. Err ... yeah. Something like that.

    And since the only thing seperating USPS and UPS is a single questionable "s," I think they may be in on the conspiracy.
